“The North Pole Nightmare” is set to invade The Greatest Show on Dirt in 2024 as Bill Balag commits to his first full season with the World of Outlaws NOS Energy DromlSprint Car Series. The 44-year-old brings a stout résumé to the World of Outlaws tour. Balog has dominated the northern region of the country over the past several years, racking up 10 Interstate Racing Association (IRA) championships since 2008, and leads the all-time IRA win list by a wide margin with 138 victories. He’s taken on the All-Star Circuit of Champions (ASCoC) campaign twice and finished a personal best of fifth in the standings in 2021. Balog owns five career ASCoC wins, including at least one in each of the past three seasons

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    SKU: ACME-A5024010
    ETA Date: 8/21/2024
    Production Qty: Limited Edition

    “The North Pole Nightmare” is set to invade The Greatest Show on Dirt

    in 2024 as Bill Balag commits to his first full season with the World

    of Outlaws NOS Energy DromlSprint Car Series. The 44-year-old brings a

    stout résumé to the World of Outlaws tour. Balog has dominated the

    northern region of the country over the past several years, racking up

    10 Interstate Racing Association (IRA) championships since 2008, and

    leads the all-time IRA win list by a wide margin with 138 victories.

    He’s taken on the All-Star Circuit of Champions (ASCoC) campaign twice

    and finished a personal best of fifth in the standings in 2021. Balog

    owns five career ASCoC wins, including at least one in each of the past

    three seasons